Download and Watch Movie Dogman (2018)

Backdrop Movie Dogman 2018

Dogman (2018) HD

Director : Matteo Garrone.
Writer : Matteo Garrone, Maurizio Braucci, Ugo Chiti, Massimo Gaudioso.
Producer : Matteo Garrone, Jean Labadie, Paolo Del Brocco, Jeremy Thomas.
Release : May 17, 2018
Country : France, Italy.
Production Company : Rai Cinema, Archimede, Le Pacte.
Language : Italiano.
Runtime : 102
Genre : Drama, Crime.

Movie ‘Dogman’ was released in May 17, 2018 in genre Drama. Matteo Garrone was directed this movie and starring by Marcello Fonte. This movie tell story about Marcello, a small and gentle dog groomer, finds himself involved in a dangerous relationship of subjugation with Simone, a former violent boxer who terrorizes the entire neighborhood. In an effort to reaffirm his dignity, Marcello will submit to an unexpected act of vengeance.

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